Frequently asked questions
How can I trust the person renting my car?
Anyone can register and create a profile with us, however, before anyone is able to rent a car, they must upload a copy of their
How can I trust a car owner?
All vehicles are verified manually by us before they are successfully loaded onto our site. In New
How safe and secure is the online payment?
All monetary transactions are handled by the team here at MyCarYourRental. If you are registering as a car owner you will be asked to provide us with your NZ bank account details. This is so that we know what account to pay you for renting your car out. If you want to rent a car you will need to provide us with your credit card details. We handle all transaction details through
How am I covered by insurance?
Here at
As a car owner do I need my own insurance
From the moment you hand the keys over to when you get the keys back - we have your vehicle covered. Do keep in mind that our insurance ONLY covers you during the rental periods booked and approved by us. This means that if you have an accident outside of this time frame it is not covered. We strongly recommend that you keep your own private vehicle insurance for when you are not renting your car out.
Who insures my rental car?
When a vehicle is rented out it is automatically insured during that period of time. We have done the hard work for you and secured a well known and authorised New Zealand insurance company at the best possible rate. Because every rental booking is unique to our users needs we make sure that each insurance cover is customised. So often the insurance company can vary and all claims must come directly to us. We will then be able to handle the claim completely. For more details please refer to the terms and conditions when you sign up for free.
When am I covered by insurance?
You are covered from the moment you are given the key right until you return them. Remember to take your time to carefully inspect the condition report both when you receive the keys and again when you return them according to the email instruction that you receive prior to commencing the rental exchange.
Accidents and problems
What happens if I have an accident?
In the unlikely event of an
What happens if I a vehicle breaks down?
Should you be unlucky that there is a mechanical problem with the car you rented, then help is not far away. Included in the rental price is 24-hour road assistance. This service is provided free of charge for all breakdowns that is not user fault. We can still assist with user faults, but this will be charged to the renter. (examples of user faults could be a flat battery, punctures, locking key in the car, funning out o fuel etc. For full details see T&C or contact us)
You have the option to purchase an extended roadside assistance during the booking process at a low cost. This will also cover events like flat battery and change of wheel in case you have a puncture.
Q&A, Renters
What sort of licence do I need to have?
Everyone who has a full licence can rent, both Kiwis and visitors from overseas. Some vehicle owners may have restricted their vehicle to certain types of licence. If this is the case you will be able so see it under the vehicle. If you have a restricted or learners licence from New Zealand you may still be able to rent. It is completely up to
Can I rent using a licence from overseas, or if I'm a visitor to New Zealand?
Yes, you can. If your licence is not in readable English you need either an international licence or a translation of your licence. You might also need to confirm that your licence is accepted here in New Zealand. You can see this link for further information. http://www.nzta.govt.nz/licence/residents-visitors/driving-nz.html
Can I rent if I only have a restricted or P-class licence?
Yes, you can. It is up to the vehicle owner if they will accept this. Under each listing, you'll see a field named: "Licence type". Here you'll either see "All types" meaning that all licence types are accepted*, "Full" which means you require a full licence or "Restricted" which means that you can rent have a restricted licence, a P-class Australian or similar licence. *Note the T&C of MyCarYourRental.com requirements, ie. leaner licence is not accepted.
How old do I need to be to rent a car?
This depends on what requirements the car owner has set for the vehicle. A minimum age of 18 years of age is required to rent a car through the site, but some car owners may require you to be older. Any age restrictions can be seen in the vehicle listing, and you must meet this minimum age to rent a vehicle with restrictions. Please note that drivers below the age of 25 years of age have a higher excess according to our T&C.
Do I need to pay a deposit when I rent a car?
We require you to pay by card through the site. Your card information is stored safely with our payment provider and is used as a bond. This way you do not need to worry about paying a bond upfront.
Q&A, car owners
What is a TSL and do I need one?
TSL stands for Transport Service License. It is a requirement of all rental companies within New Zealand to hold one by law. We are glad to reassure you that MyCarYourRental holds one. As an individual, you do not need to worry about it. Once you list your vehicle you will receive more information about this.
What is a CoF, and do I need it?
A CoF is a Certificate of Fitness. All vehicles used for rental are required by law to have a CoF. There is a simple process that you will need to undergo to gain this, however, it is not much different from obtaining your Warrant of Fitness. You will need to use our TSL number when you go to get you vehicles CoF for the first time. You can view more information once you have logged in on your dashboard page. We will also send you an email with this information in it once you have listed your first vehicle. If you have a vehicle that is over 3500Kg you should already hold a CoF.
How much money can I make on my car?
The amount of income that you can make ultimately is up to you. With that said, you need to be realistic. We suggest that you take a look at other vehicles that are similar to yours both on our website and on other “traditional” car rental companies. Take into consideration the condition of your vehicle (eg. dents, worn interior, etc) and the added extras you might have (eg. reversing camera, sun roof, etc). You also need to think about the convenience in which a renter can pick up the car from. Once you have a price in mind it is time to advertise and list your car. Remember to upload great photos and write a good blurb about your vehicle. It could end up being the special WOW factor that secures you a quick and easy rental booking.
How much do I need to pay for this service?
It is absolutely FREE to register a profile and list your vehicles with us. The price that you choose to list your car for is the total amount that the renter will be charged. Out of this amount we do deduct a fee that covers the insurance and administrational charges. The fee charged varies on your vehicle and the price your pricing. Its based on a minimum set amount plus a small percentage. When you list your car you will be able to see the fees accordingly. Currently, the average fee charged has been 29.4%
Other information
I didn't get a code to confirm my mobile number!
- Check that you have selected the right country code for your number, make sure not to include it in the actual number.
- Check that your mobile number does not include a zero before it e.g 21 123 456 instead of 021 123 456
- Check that your mobile phone has signal and is not in flight mode - WiFi isn't enough to receive a text, your phone needs to be connected to the mobile network.
- Have you kept requesting new confirmation codes? If so, please wait 15 minutes and try again and only once. Everytime you request a new code the previous ones will be invalid.
- If you haven't recieved the text (SMS), send us an email at verify@mycaryourrental.com and we're here to help!
How can I stop my emails from going to the spam folder?
If you use Hotmail
To stop our emails from going into Hotmail's Junk folder, log in to your Hotmail account and follow these steps:
1. Click on the "Options" cog at the top-right of the page
2. Select "Options" from the drop-down menu
3. Under the "Preventing Junk Mail" heading, select the "Safe and blocked senders" option
4. Select "Safe senders"
5. Type @mycaryourrental.com into the “Sender or domain to mark as safe” and click “add to list”.
If you use Gmail
To stop our emails from going into Gmail's Spam folder, log in to your Gmail account and follow these steps:
1. Click on the options cog at the top-right of the page and then select "Settings"
2. Click on “Filters”
3. Click "Create a new filter" at the bottom of the page
4. Enter "MyCarYourRental" in the 'From' field
5. Select “Create filter with this search”
6. Tick "Never send it to Spam"
7. Click "Create Filter".
If you use Yahoo!
To stop our emails from ending up in the Yahoo's Spam folder, log in to your Yahoo account and follow these steps:
1. Click the "Options" cog at the top-right of the page and select "Settings"
2. Select "Filters"
3. Click "Add"
4. Use “MyCarYourRental” as your "filter name"
5. Under "Sender contains" put "MyCarYourRental.com"
6. For “Deliver message to the following folder”, choose "Inbox"
7. Click "Save".
If you use other email providers
If you are using another email provider that is not mentioned above then you may want to double check your junk or spam folder every now and then. It is a good idea to add MyCarYourRental.com to your contacts list and/or your safe list. In that